In this episode Elena and I talk about the HBO mini-series Chernobyl, which covered the 1986 nuclear plant disaster and its aftermath. Valery and Boris aka Valoris start out in a wary, almost antagonistic partnership and end up firm allies. No wonder Elena ships them!
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Fics featuring Elena’s art:
- Heat Wave by L1ttleSilkworm
- Why don’t you come to bed, Valery? by Alyeen1
- It’s Late, Valera by GreenMeridian
- Advent Calendar 2019 by Hotaru_Tomoe
Fave Valoris vid:
- smith.andandari (Valoris artist)
- Kami Dog / kami-ships-it (Chernobyl/Jared Harris artist who donates proceedings from prints to Chernobyl victims)
- valerafan2 (Valoris writer)
- drunkardonjunkyard (my friend who helps me brainstorm, gives me ideas etc)
- the-jewish-marxist (another friend who has Ukrainian roots and knows a lot about history)
- itisa-profoundbond-sarandom (this Valoris fan makes gifsets)
- shark-from-the-park / potter012 (these two have great ideas/prompts)
- tryingtobealwaystrying (this is the Valery Legasov expert)
- Masha (she organized Valoris podcasts)
- stellanskarsgarddd (big Stellan Skarsgard fan)
- _macleod__ (Valoris vid maker)
Next up: Brienne x Tormund (Game of Thrones) with teamreylo (March 13, 2020)
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