Other fandom podcasts

These fannish podcasts are must-listens on my podcatcher!

General fandom






The Bechdel Cast (movies)

@shedunnitshow​ (lady crime writers)

Smart Podcast Trashy Books (romance novels)

Big Gay Fiction Podcast (m/m romance)


@bufferingcast (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

The Good Place Podcast

@debatingdoctorwho (Doctor Who)

@thedescentiseasypodcast (Shadowhunters)

@metastation (The 100)

Chipperish Media (Buffy/Angel/Good Omens/MCU/West Wing etc)

The Quad (Killjoys)

Red All Over (The Handmaid’s Tale)

Tales of the Black Badge (Wynonna Earp)

@theafictionados (Riverdale / Lost / The 100)

American Gods

@drinksatthedal (Lost Girl)

Gilmore Guys (Gilmore Girls)

Misson Log (Star Trek)

Watching Troy Fall (Troy: Fall of a City)

I’m always open to fannish podcast recs!