Ep. 31 – Pagan x Ishwari (Far Cry 4) with miss-rivia

These are trying times. I very much hope listening how Mazikeen introduces me to Pagan Min and Ishwari Ghale, our first video game ship from Far Cry 4, will provide you with distraction and entertainment – that’s what fandom’s for, isn’t it?

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Favourite fic:

Favourite fanart:

Video game recommendations:

  • Far Cry 3 / 4
  • Dragon Age series (best intro: Origin)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 / 2
  • The Witcher 3
  • God of War 4
  • The Last of Us
  • Fall Out New Vegas / 3+4

Next up:

  • Public release of Patreon special 02: Real Person Shipping, live from The Italian Institute Convention 3 with Jalec Squad (April 17. 2020)
  • Ep. 32: Kylo x Rey (Star Wars) with jedi-master-ray (April 24, 2020)
  • Public release of Patreon special 03: Rare Pair Shipping round table (May 1, 2020)

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