Tag: genre: slash

August 28, 2019 / Episodes

With popslash we’re moving into dangerous waters, as I talk with stellarbisexual about the first Real Person ship for this podcast (not counting the special Patreon episode). However, mostly we bond over being fandom olds and squee excitedly as we reminisce – not just about JC Chavez and Justin Timberlake but also some other shared fandoms.

August 15, 2019 / Episodes
July 31, 2019 / Episodes
July 17, 2019 / Episodes
June 25, 2019 / Episodes
June 13, 2019 / Episodes

Unsurprisingly, this episode contains themes not for the faint of heart – yet despite my own cannibalism squick, Stitch was a very insightful and fun interview partner, not just when it came to Hannigram. We found plenty of common fandom ground, leading to a few detours, which I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

March 31, 2019 / Episodes
March 17, 2019 / Episodes
February 19, 2019 / Episodes
January 29, 2019 / Episodes