Episode 2 features the fascinating, timey-whimey relationship between The Doctor and River Song, as @miazeklos and myself dive into everything we love about this pairing.
Find a list of fanworks as well as tie-in media as mentioned on the podcast here:
Fic recs:
- Mia’s own 13/River fic (which I love to pieces): deeper than time (WIP)
- gazing into the abyss by goddessdel (11/River)
- when passion’s a prison, you can’t break free by areyoumarriedriver (11/River)
- but she prefers two lumps of sugar and tea by mygalfriday (12/River, coffeeshop AU)
- River Song as Arabella by FWvidChick (11/River, Mia’s ultimate favourite)
- Toxic by regalpotato (11/River, the dark one mentioned)
- “I totally married her” (Hardest of Hearts) by valkoinennoita (11/River, 10/River, on the same note)
- soft fluffy kisses by @songsandsmuttales (8/River, not nsfw exactly, but slightly inappropriate ;D)
- just enjoying each other’s company by @sutefudraws (11/River)
- Ladies in Red by @sutefudraws (13/River)
- The Wedding of River Song by @sutefudraws (11/River, Amy)
- Amy, honey by @sutefudraws (13/River, Amy)
- Commisson for Sandra Sidar by @sutefudraws (12/River)
Favourite gifsets:
- Totally married her by @littlecielspace (11/River)
- “When you love the Doctor, it’s like loving the stars themselves.” by @mrsrobinsong (11/River)
- The Time Traveler’s Wife by @riveralwaysknew (11/River, 12/River, 13/River) (a new one and so fitting for them!)
Tie-in novels:
- The Angel’s Kiss by Justin Richards
- Day of the Doctor Novelisation by Steven Moffat
Big Finish:
Also, as mentioned in the episode introduction: I’ve cosplayed as River at FedCon in Germany, and even got a photo with the 11th Doctor himself, Matt Smith (and a friend dressed as the TARDIS)! I’m wearing my glasses because I got rather frazzled at the prospect of meeting Matt and forgot to take them off. *g* (I also have another version of River’s costume, the one with the white jacket from “Pandorica Opens”, but I don’t seem to have any photos of that.)

Additional episode 02 media on Tumblr.
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Next up: Tony x Bruce (MCU) with @kimmycup on December 7, 2018.
[…] This is the third and last one – a round table chat with previous interview partners Mia, Nich, Kimmy and Phoe about the special hell – or special pleasure? – of rare pair […]